
Ampalaya Massacre and the Papaya Tragedy

I woke up with a nightmare!

Alas! The nightmare came out to be true!

This morning, my small backyard vegetable garden was massacred by our native chicken! the plants that suffered the most damage was my ampalaya and papaya! What a tragedy!!

I tried to secure the small plants by putting trellis and small branches of trees around it. Knowing that it could be ransacked by chicken if not. But I guess, the barrier, the protection was not good enough. The culprit, having a small head and pointed beak, was able to squeeze through between the branches and trellis. The chicken are always scratching the soil looking for food, even if their food is right in front of their very eyes! What's worse is that some plant branches were not spared by their beak or their feet. And ate the leaves of my poor plants!

In my previous posts about gardening, I have mentioned the good things that come along with having a garden. Imagine, watching the seed sprouting from the soil. Almost everyday, checking on its progress. Celebrating little successes as the plant successfully grows leaves and gets bigger everyday. It sorts of soothes the soul and gives simple joy to our mind.

Now, imagine my dismay when these chicken pillaged and ravaged my small plants! Even my kamote (sweet potato) leaves were not spared!
Ohhh.. these native chicken!! Love them (the taste) hate them (their nature). They do not know whats good for them. I even prepared a new nest for a hen a few days back. Even wove some palm leaves for the nest (learned this when I was young... hello Hawaii - they teach you this in Polynesian Cultural Center!) Now, this is what I will get from that good deed?

This is how my plants used to look like as it grows:

The ampalaya (bittermelon), growing… trying to reach the trellis.. beside it is the The papaya seedling, struggling but successfully trying to get a glimpse of sunlight...

The camote... growing, sprouting with very healthy leaves and has already provided nutrient for my family…
And now, this is how it looked like after the native chicken had fun with the leaves...

My poor ampalaya and papaya, almost nothing left of them.

Trying to reach the trellis.. now what?
Papaya... now almost leafless.. hopefully not lifeless...

What used to be a very healthy kamote tops. Now, kamote topless!

I cannot help it but get mad at those chicken… And this is what should happen to these chicken !!! The revenge of my plants!! (No, I have not done this yet... Still on the planning stage!)
I survived the nightmare by the realization as vividly expressed in this poem:
Life in the province...

It's not just verdant forests...
And fresh air....
It's not just full of flowers and roses...
It has chicken shits, as well!

prepared by joseph promdipinoy 01/15/09 Thursday...prepared by joseph promdipinoy 01/15/09 Thursday...prepared by joseph promdipinoy 01/15/09 Thursday...prepared by joseph promdipinoy 01/15/09 Thursday...prepared by joseph promdipinoy 01/15/09 Thursday...prepared by joseph promdipinoy 01/15/09 Thursday...prepared by joseph promdipinoy 01/15/09 Thursday...prepared by

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